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SİMURG (Rozet Panel-Büyük)

Onun iyilik sever bir doğası olduğu, gözyaşlarının şifalı olması ve kanatlarının bir dokunuşunun her türlü hastalık...
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* With installments starting from 46,32 USD !!
Price of the Work
341,77 USD

The Ruler of the Birds Simurg Journey Towards Self - The Legend of Simurg (Zümrüd-ü Anka or as it is known in the west as Phoenix) The journey of the other birds to Mount Kaf, the effort of 30 birds reaching their destination, and the efforts of 30 birds that reached their destination, and throughout the journeys, as it dropped one of its magnificently beautiful feathers in the center of China. It describes the purification. The mystical bird Simurg is depicted as a giant winged creature. Legend has it that this bird is so old that it has witnessed the destruction of the world three times. In another legend; He lived for 1700 years, then he was engulfed in flames, burned to ashes and then reborn from his own ashes... It is mentioned that he is immortal and has a home in the Tree of Knowledge. They believed that Simurg would bestow fertility on the earth and provide unity between the earth and the sky. It is said that Simurgh's feathers are copper-colored. It was believed that he had a benevolent nature, that his tears were healing, and that a touch of his wings would cure any illness or wound. Birds believed in Simurg and thought that he would save them. When everything went wrong in the world of birds, they were waiting for Simurg. However, unless Simurg appeared, they became suspicious and finally gave up hope. Then one day in that far country, a flock of birds found a feather from Simurg's wing. Realizing that Simurg existed, all the birds in the world gathered together and decided to go to Simurg's presence and ask for help. However, Simurg's home was on top of Mount Kaf, whose skirts were above the clouds. In order to reach there, it was necessary to cross seven bottomless valleys, seven valleys, all of which are more difficult than the other… First; REQUEST, second; LOVE, the third; MARİFET, the fourth; EXCEPTION, the fifth; TEVHİD, the sixth; AMAZING and the seventh; Extinction valleys. The birds began to fly towards the sky all together. Those who had little will and perseverance, who were attached to worldly things, fell on the road one by one. There were those who got tired and those who fell…

They passed through the "Sea of Love" before…

They flew from the “Valley of Separation”…

Crossing the "Plain of Ambition",

They strayed into the "Lake of Jealousy"...

Some of the birds are immersed in the sea of love, some are cut off from the flock in the valley of separation...

First, Nightingale returned, remembering her love for the rose;

The parrot used its beautiful feathers as an excuse (whereas it was locked in a cage because of its feathers);

Eagle could not leave his kingdom on high;

The owl missed its ruins;

Heron swamp.

Their numbers dwindled as they flew over the seven valleys.

And finally, in the Sixth Valley "Astonishment" and the last Seventh Valley "Extinction", which came after passing through five valleys, all the birds lost their hope…

When they reached Mount Kaf, thirty birds remained.

At last the secret was solved by words:

Persian "si" means "thirty". …murg” is “bird”…

When they found Simurg's home, they learned that; It means "Simurg - thirty birds".

All of them were Simurg. Each of them was Simurg.

Size: 32 X 40 cm. (in its own special wooden box)

Witnessed by time
meet in objects

SİMURG (Rozet Panel-Büyük) 825020300 SİMURG (Rozet Panel-Büyük)


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