Kare Kutu (Tılsım - Antik Kemik Efekt)
Örnek çalışmada; üzerinde, Esma-ül Hüsna'dan Allah'ın 19 adı ve ibrani kökenli arapça ebcet hesabına dayalı istif yazılarının olduğu TILSIM.
Price of the Work
129,76 USD
The talismanic talisman widely used by the sultan and state dignitaries
shirts were worn under the caftan. Specially bleached by calligraphers
(insulated fabrics so that texts and forms can be transferred) surface of fabrics
It was decorated on request. There are thousands of examples in Topkapi Palace.
in the content of the samples; to be successful, to be protected from evil, to harm in war
to prevent vision, to rise in the state level, to protect from scorpions and snakes.
It is possible to see the purposeful compositions. Since it could not be washed
It is possible to see these shirts that have survived to the present day with stains.
Talismans are used on everyday tools; sword, shield, throne, edict boxes,
It was also widely used on other daily used tools.